Federated Union of Telecommunications Reserch Facilities for an EU-Brazil Open Laboratory

The objective of cooperation in the area of Experimental Platforms was to enable and promote the federation of experimental resources irrespective of their localization in Brazil and in Europe, with a view toward global experimentation across heterogeneous networks, both wired and wireless, and a variety of end-systems. This work was to be done within the following scope: The focus was on building upon current tools and platforms in support of end-to-end experimentation, creating a pool of, and giving open access to, shared experimental resources that complement and supplement those available in each continent.

This project was concluded in 2020. And six articles were published in its theme.


  • Programmable intelligent spaces for Industry 4.0: Indoor visual localization driving attocell networks.
    Do Carmo, Alexandre P. ; Vassalo Raquel F. ; De Queiroz, Felippe M. ; Picoreti, Rodolfo ; Fernandes, Mariana R. ; Gomes Roberta L. ; Martinello, Magnos. ; Dominicini, Cristina K. ; Guimarães Rafael ; Garcia Anilton S. ; Ribeiro, Moises R. N. ; Simeonidou, Dimitra. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies , v. 30, p. e3610, 2019.
  • An Open 5G NFV Platform for Smart City Applications Using Network Softwarization.
    SILVA, A. P. ; BUNYAKITANON, M. ; Vassallo, R. F. ; NEJABATI, R. ; SIMEONIDOU, D. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019, Marrakech. IEEE Future Networking Workshop for 5G and Beyond Testbed and Trials, 2019.
  • Optical and wireless network convergence in 5G systems – an experimental approach.
    CARMO, A. P. ; SIMEONIDOU, D. ; QUEIROZ, F. M. ; MARTINELLO, M. ; Vassallo, R. F. ; GOMES, R. L. ; PICORETI, R. ; VILLACA, R. ; NEJABATI, R. ; DOMINICINI, C. K. ; GUIMARAES, R. S. In: WS3 – 5G Wireless and Optical Technologies for Mobile Communication Systems, 2018, Barcelona. 2018 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD), 2018.
  • Monitoramento de Recursos para Aplicações de Robótica em Espaços Inteligentes baseados em uma Nuvem OpenStack.
    SANTOS, P. B. ; MEDEIROS, J. H. G. ; PICORETI, R. ; QUEIROZ, F. M. ; CARDOSO, D. G. ; CARMO, A. P. ; Vassallo, R. F. ; RIBEIRO, M. R. N. ; VILLACA, R. . In: XVI Workshop on Clouds and Applications, Campos do Jordão. XXXVI SBRC 2018 – Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, 2018. 
  • Multilevel Observability in Cloud Orchestration.
    PICORETI, R. ; CARMO, A. P. ; QUEIROZ, F. M. ; GARCIA, A. S. ; Vassallo, R. F. ; SIMEONIDOU, D. . In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2018), Atenas. 16th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing (PICom 2018). 
  • How can emerging applications benefit from EaaS in open programmable infrastructures?
    GOMES, R. L. ; MARTINELLO, M. ; DOMINICINI, C. K. ; HASSE, P. ; VILLACA, R. ; Vassallo, R. F. ; CARMO, A. P. ; QUEIROZ, F. M. ; PICORETI, R. ; GARCIA, A. S. ; RIBEIRO, M. R. N. ; ESPIN, J. A. Z. ; HAMMAD, A. ; NEJABATI, R. ; SIMEONIDOU, D. In: IEEE 1st International Summer School on Smart Cities (S3C), 2017, Natal.
Furthermore, to know more about it, you can watch a presentation of the UFES participation in the project , or access the Project’s site to best specifications.
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